Safe and reliable weed control, all in one solution.



  • Flexiblility : Wide application window: Autumn and Spring 
  • Safe for the crop: can be used on all varieties of winter wheat 
  • Reliable post-emergence solution 
  • Controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds, especially when applied to young and active growing weeds.
  • Effective at very low rates /ha
  • Exceptional compatibility with most herbicides



Recommendations of use: 


Dose rate / ha : Apply HELMSTAR 75WG at 20 grams/hectare.

Timing of application : Apply from 3leaf stage up and including the flag leaf ligule/collar just visible.


Weed control :

HELMSTAR 75 WG is a highly active herbicide that works predominantly by foliar action with some root activity. It controls a wide range of broad-leaved weeds and is most effective if applied when weeds are small are actively growing. Good spray cover of weeds must be obtained and since larger weeds often become less susceptible, it is important to note the size of each weed at the time of application. Susceptible plants cease growth almost immediately after post-emergence treatment and symptoms can be seen about two weeks after spring application. It is also important to identify the weeds occurring in the crop and refer to the weed table below, to ensure that the weeds presents are those susceptible to  HELMSTAR  75 WG. The susceptibility ratings of weeds in the following table refer to good spray cover and good growing conditions.


Weed sensitivity:

The susceptibility ratings of weeds in the following table refer to good spray cover and good growing conditions

Weed stage

Susceptible weeds

Moderate susceptible weeds

Moderate Resistant (MR) and Resistant (R) weeds

Plants up to 2 expanded leavesFoolsparsley; Shepherd's purse; Fat-hen; Fumitory; Hempnettle; Dead-nettle; Mayweed; Field forget-me-not; Poppy; Knotgrass; Redshank; Common groundsel; Charlock; Common chickweed; Small nettle; field speedwell Cleavers (R); Green field speedwell (R); Wall speedwell (R); Ivy leaved speedwell (R); Field beans(R); Field pansy (R)
Plants up to 6 expanded true leavesShepherd's purse; Fumitory; Hempnettle; Dead-nettle; Mayweed; Field forget-me-not; Poppy;Redshank; Common groundsel; Charlock; Common chickweed; Small nettleFat-henGreen field speedwell (R); Wall speedwell (R); Ivy leaved speedwell (R); Field beans(R); Field pansy (R)
Plants up to 15 cm across/highMayweed; Charlock; Common chickweed;Shepherd's purse; Fat-hen; Field forget-me-not; Redshank ; Green field speedwell (R); Wall speedwell (R); Ivy leaved speedwell (R); Field beans(R); Field pansy (R); Fumitory (R); Dead-nettle (MR);Poppy; 


Resistance management :

It is recommended to consider the management advice  in order to minimize resistance development:

  • Make only one application of Helmstar 75 WG per crop per year.
  • Follow label recommendations, particularly to ensure treatment is made at the correct weed growth stage (aim for small actively growing weeds at growth stage BBCH 12-14), under suitable conditions, and at the correct label dose rate.
  • Use a range of agronomic tools to manage weeds; crop rotation, soil cultivation including rotational ploughing if needed, apply a non-selective herbicide before sowing or before crop emergence to control emerged weeds, consider use of mechanical weed control using a curry-comb in crop
  • Minimise the risk of spreading weed infestations.
  • Good spraying practice should always be followed to attain effective weed control.
  • Monitor control of weeds during the season and look early for signs of poor control and then control these weeds a different way.


Subsequent cropping

Only cereals, oilseed rape or field beans may be sown in the same calendar year to succeed a cereal crop treated with Helmstar 75 WG. Before sowing either oilseed rape or field beans, soil should be cultivated to a depth of 20 cm. No special requirements for cultivation are needed where cereals are to be sown as the following crop.In the event of a crop failure for any reason, sow only a cereal crop within three months of application of Helmstar 75 WG. After 3 months field beans and oilseed rape may also be sown.


Read the label carefully before applying the product
